Abiding Faith Couples Seminar 2017
Thank you for registering to be a part of the “To Have and To Hold” Couples Seminar. It is up to us to do what is necessary to strengthen and maintain our relationships. God gives us the tools we need but we must learn how to use them. So, come with an open mind and heart. Take hold of the wisdom, knowledge and greater understanding our speakers will convey.
The Hilton Vacations Club has several sites. We will be meeting on May 6th at the beautiful Las Palmeras site. This resort is located at 9501 Universal Boulevard, Orlando, FL.
Parking at the facility is in a gated garage. The gate will be open until 9:00 am. No decal is required. Those arriving later will need to contact resort security to gain access.
Cost for the seminar is only $ 50 per couple. Payments can be made at Abiding Faith, online at the church website (www.AbidingFaithCC.org) or by mailing a check or money order to the post office box listed above. We would like to receive payments no later than April 28, 2017.
Should you have any questions, please contact Rev. Bridget Stokes at the church (352-372-0482).
We look forward to seeing you there.
Pastor John S. Cowart